New Genoa Bridge At 360 Safely Towards Completing The Work

New Genoa Bridge at 360°:
safely towards completing the work


Il ponte #Pergenova: La ricostruzione a 360° - In sicurezza verso il completamento dell’opera

How the Genoa Bridge will be. A trip inside the 24/7 worksite that never stops.

The complex organizational machinery of the new Genoa Bridge had to react immediately to the impact that the pandemic had on our country, securing workers, while allowing work progress. With the delivery of the bridge now around the corner, the construction site is teeming with 24/7 activities. Let's find out on which fronts technicians and workers are working on to give back a safe, smart and sustainable infrastructure to Italy, as soon as possible.

Video Ponte Genova 360: in sicurezza

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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