We Build Stories Voices from the Bridge

"Voices from the Bridges" Series: Four episodes dedicated to the construction of the New Genoa San Giorgio Bridge
“Voices from the Bridge” is how We Build Value started its podcasting adventure: four episodes dedicated to the construction of the New Genoa San Giorgio Bridge, where the protagonists of this work and Genoa's citizens narrate their personal experiences, to uncover the secrets of a project that has become a symbol of a new Italian Renaissance.
Genoa's voices: The voices of workers, engineers, curious people and citizens, as they look at the new bridge, and ask themselves various questions. The voices from a construction site that never stops, working 24/7.
“From paper to solid structure” – The first episode of the "Voices from the Bridge" podcast
The first episode, narrated by Webuild engineer and PerGenova CEO Nicola Meistro, uncovers the most important moments of the construction of the new bridge. It tells of the many challenges faced, of the lavished commitment, passion and special dedication of hundreds of technical staff and workers, to heal the open wound caused by the collapsing of the old Morandi.
“The bridge seen from the inside” - the second episode of the “Voices from the Bridge” podcast
The personal accounts of workers from the construction site of the new Genoa Bridge, who with cohesion, and an out-of-the ordinary huge sense of collective responsibility, made it possible for works to progress at record breaking times. Men and women living in compounds, at the edge of the construction site, sharing a significant journey, together. Today, they can tell us all how they experienced things from the inside, in a sort of journey within those boundaries, which no one else could cross before.
“The bridge seen from the outside” – the third episode of the “Voices from the Bridge” podcast.
The bridge narrated by the voices of the Genoese: a gift to the city of Genoa. Normal people who witnessed the tragedy of the collapsing of the old Morandi bridge: Curious spectators of the works that were being carried out, for months, to build the new bridge. Their voices bring this feat to life, again: a feat completed by men and women who built it in a very short time. Men and women who even worked during the Coronavirus emergency, when the rest of Italy and the world had stopped.
“The expert contractors behind the new Genoa Bridge” – the fourth episode of the “Voices from the Bridge” podcast.
330 contractors of the Genoa bridge have made their excellent products available for the new infrastructure: medium - and especially small-sized - companies from across Italy provided more than €160 million in supplies and services for the construction of Genoa’s new bridge. A virtuous model that made the most of the capabilities of the infrastructure sector. Numbers can only partially tell this story. It comes to life when individuals who helped make history share their experience.
"Voices from the Bridge" Series
The bridge and its city, through the voice of workers, engineers, curious people and the Genoese, as they look at the new bridge, a project that has become a symbol of a new Italian Renaissance.
Stories: the lives of people, in and outside construction sites Voices from the construction site
Stories is a video documentary series about the lives of people, in and outside construction sites where titanic challenges are met every day to build major complex infrastructure. Through the personal experiences of Webuild men and women, it tells the story of the challenge that they meet each day, in worksites where through innovation, technique and courage, titanic challenges are met every day to build large infrastructure.
The first series of Stories is dedicated to the construction of the new Genoa bridge.
This bridge represents a new way of doing infrastructure in Italy. It is a symbol and proof that even in Italy strategic public works can be built within the right timeframe, at the right cost and in respect of norms and safety rules. This bridge leaves us a lesson of hope for the future.

The New Genoa Bridge. The Chronicle of a Rebirth
A photographic book about the new Genoa Bridge, whose photographs illustrate the grandeur of the infrastructure and the stubborn determination of people. This book celebrates the work carried out by all those who put something personal aside to devote themselves to the success of such an ambitious project.