July 27, 2020

“The New Genoa Bridge: We Build the Future”. A tribute to the men and women who worked on the construction site of records


Ponte Genova Concerto 27 Luglio 2020

MILAN, July 27, 2020 – “The New Genoa Bridge: We Build The Future” is the private concert hosted by Webuild in collaboration with Fincantieri and organized by Webuild that will be held today at the foot of the new Genoa bridge and broadcast live via streaming beginning at 7:30 p.m..

In memory of the victims of the collapse of the Morandi Bridge, the concert will be a tribute to the engineers, technicians, workers and the entire supply chain of 330 small- and medium-sized Italian businesses that worked non-stop for 12 months to rebuild an important artery of the city and Liguria, stitching back together a tear in the social and regional fabric. These are the people who contributed to the making of a symbol of revival and “Made in Italy” excellence. This symbol has also come to represent the level of excellence found throughout the entire country, something which is being safeguarded by Progetto Italia, a strategic plan by Webuild to relaunch the infrastructure sector in Italy to increase the Group’s scale, improve its technical capabilities, enhance its professional know-how, strengthen its finances, and create value for all its stakeholders.

The title of the event, “Io c’ero” (roughly translated: “I was there”) captures the impassioned contribution made by all those involved in the project behind the recently completed bridge. Scheduled to start at 7:30 p.m., the event will be hosted by journalist Annalisa Bruchi and attended by architect Renzo Piano, Webuild Chief Executive Pietro Salini, Alberto Maestrini, Fincantieri General Manager and President of the PerGenova Consortium, Genoa Mayor and Extraordinary Commissioner Marco Bucci, Liguria Governor Giovanni Toti, Genoa Archbishop Monsignor Marco Tasca, Cardinal Angela Bagnasco and Prefect Carmen Perrotta.

The key moment of the event will be an extraordinary concert performed by the Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia (Orchestra of the Santa Cecilia National Academy) conducted by Musical Director Antonio Pappano (who, along with President and Superintendent Michele dall’Ongaro, recently delivered a video message). An evocative moment of international relevance in the world of musical that will propose Adagio by U.S. composer Samuel Barber and music by Ludwig van Beethoven, the 250th anniversary of whose birth is being celebrated this year.

In a show of recognition to everyone who contributed to the construction of the bridge, a plaque six metres in height will be unveiled with the names of the more than 1,000 men and women who worked with passion day and night to complete the project on time. Far from their families, they worked throughout the lockdown taking care to respect the strictest safety rules.

The stories of these people are told in the book “Il Nuovo Ponte di Genova – Cronaca di una rinascita” (roughly translated: The New Genoa Bridge: The Chronicle of a Rebirth), a special edition published by Rizzoli for Webuild with photos that highlight the grandeur of the infrastructure and the desire to succeed by a group of people who made this ambitious project possible using their hands and ingenuity.

“The New Genoa Bridge: We Build the Future”. A tribute to the men and women who worked on the construction site of records

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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